LAOH County Board

Marie Davenport, President

The County Board will meet on Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30 at the Hall.  All members in good standing of both divisions are encouraged to attend.

In our Motto of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,

Marie Davenport, President (607)727-6102

Copyright Monsignor Lawrence E. Giblin Division One, Broome County, NY. All rights reserved.


Monsignor Lawrence E. Giblin Division One
Broome County, NY - September 2024


As our Juniors start a new school year, we wish them a year full of exciting challenges, new adventures and new friendships. All the best for a successful year!

We are proud to award Cecelia a certificate of recognition from the LAOH National convention for her achievements.

LAOH Division 2 applied to the National Appeals to Aid on behalf of the Junior Division for Ramp it Up. Our Junior members participate in this community service project each year. We are pleased that an award of $500.00 was granted. The check was presented to Broome County Council of Churches in August.

We are actively recruiting new members, ages six to eighteen for the junior division and looking to our brothers and sisters for help. Please reach out to family or non-family members who are eligible. As our girls age out, it is important to keep our membership growing strong with the hope they continue to be lifelong members of the LAOH. For information contact your Division President or pick up an application at the Hall. Junior members who sponsor a new member receive a special gift!

We will reconvene our meetings in September. Please mark your calendars for the meeting scheduled on September 22, 2024.

In our motto, Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity.
Debbie Burke and Eileen Rowley Junior Co-0rdinators 607-727-7183, 607-761-0212

LAOH Division ONe

Barbara Walling, President 

We are quickly moving into the fall season. The days of summer always seem to go by so quickly. Enjoy and treasure these remaining days of summer.

To all teachers, support staff, educators, administrators, and students we wish you all a rewarding and successful upcoming school year.

Cheers to 20 Years! The 20th Annual Half-Way to St. Patrick’s Day Hooley will take place on Friday, September 13 from 6-10 pm at the American Legion Post 1645 on Robinson Street in Binghamton. Mark your calendars to attend this event. Advance tickets are $15 and available at the hall until 7 pm on 9/12; ticket price at door will be $18. Beer, soda, water and coffee are included in ticket price. There will be food available for purchase. Entertainment will be The Edward P. Maloney Memorial Pipe Band, The Shambles, and the Carle School of Irish Dance. There will be basket raffles and Restaurant Boards. Contact 607-761-1992 if you are interested in donating a raffle basket or gift cards for the Restaurant Board. Tickets for the 50/50 Raffle to benefit I Can Ride, Inc. are two dollars each. Admission tickets and raffle tickets are available at the hall or at our September meeting.

August was a busy month with the Men’s annual golf tournament, Division 2’s Our Lady of Knock mass and breakfast after, and a Margaritaville Summer Beach Party. Thank you for participating, supporting or attending these events.

Dues are now $30. If you have not yet paid dues for this year, please mail your check made out to LAOH Division 1 for $30, your membership card, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to Eileen Zemek, 1960 Hawleyton Road, Binghamton, NY 13903.

Our sympathies and prayers go to the families and friends of our Sister Kathy Cronin on her passing. Sending our thoughts and prayers for the family of AOH Brother Greg Deemie and our Sister Meryl Deemie on the passing of Christopher Deemie (son/grandson). Continue to remember in your prayers our sister and brother Hibernians who are ill, recuperating or struggling in any way. Pray also for those in our military, first responders and health care workers.

Upcoming events: Hooley, September 13, 6-10 pm, American Legion on Robinson Street.

Our September meeting will be on Friday, September 6th at 7:00 pm. We will be reciting a decade of the rosary at 6:30 pm. Hoping you will join us for both.

Yours in Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity
Barb,  - 607-232-6367

LAOH Division Two

Deborah Burke, President

  Our Lady of Knock Mass was held at Saint Thomas Church in August. Thank you, Cookie Luke, Catholic Action Officer and our volunteers who made the Mass and luncheon special.

Save the date for the 20th Annual Half-Way to St. Patrick’s Day Hooley is Friday, September 13, 2024, from 6-10pm at the American Legion on 177 Robinson Street sponsored by LAOH Division’s 1 and 2. Music by the Shambles, Edward P. Maloney Pipe Band and Irish dance by Carle.  Tickets are now available for purchase at the AOH hall, Abel’s Pub and the American Legion.  We appreciate your support of the 50/50 raffle for this year’s charity “I can Ride, Inc.”.  Raffle tickets are $2.00. Volunteers needed to help in the kitchen. Please let Nancy Hyatt or me know if you can help.   Hooley anniversary shirts are on sale at the AOH hall.

The LAOH Division 2 fall rummage sale is Sept. 20th from 9 to 5 and bag sale on Sept. 21st from 9 to noon.  You may drop off household items and season appropriate clothing on Sept. 19th after 3pm.   Please be sure that clothing and items are in good condition.   No electronics, speakers, child car seats, cribs. 

LAOH Division 2 hopes you will support us by purchasing tickets for the month-long lottery in September.   If you haven’t returned your raffle tickets, there is still time.  You can mail or drop them off at the hall, attention Colleen McMahon.  We appreciate your support for this fundraiser for our division.  Good luck!

There are a few members who have not paid dues. To ensure your membership that includes the monthly Chieftain, send a check for $30 payable to LAOH Division Two with your dues card and self-addressed-stamped envelope to AOH Hall, 148 Main St. Binghamton, NY 13905, Attn: Darlene Comeno

As summer ends, thoughts of the autumn equinox at the end of September and the Celtic festival of Mabon come to mind.  It is a time of celebration as well as leisure after the toil and labor of the harvest. In terms of one’s life path, it is the season of reaping what one has sown; it is the time to look back at the goals and ambitions and reflect on how those hopes and aspirations have come to light. It is the time to sow the seeds of fresh thoughts and dreams.  Share your thoughts about fundraising, events, charitable giving, community service and how to promote and help our LAOH and LAOH Juniors at our next meeting. Your ideas are important! 

Our deep-felt condolences to the family and friends of our LAOH Division 1 sister, Kathy Cronin and to the family of our sister, Diane Harnett for the loss of her mother.

Please join your sisters at our next division meeting on Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00pm.  

Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Debbie, - (607) 772-0280