Meetings Held Every Second Tuesday of the Month 

Next Meeting: September 10, 2024 @ 7:00 pm​

 Parade Committee.

Parade Day 2025 is March 1, 2025

: Parade News- Thank you to everyone who helped in any way with the 56th “parade day.” Rest up- “parade day”2025 is 3/1/25.

Monsignor Lawrence E. Giblin Division One
Broome County, NY


The hall will be open on Saturday- during the Summer- from 3:00-7:00. Stop in and enjoy. The Luck of the Irish Raffle will be starting in August- $50 per ticket with only 200 tickets being sold. All proceeds go to the hall upkeep. -Tom Kelly Corporation President.

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Hall Phone: 607-724-5588
​148 Main Street; Binghamton, NY 13905

Copyright Monsignor Lawrence E. Giblin Division One, Broome County, NY. All rights reserved.


2023 Event Pictures, click here.

aoh finacial news

I’d like to thank all the members who have paid their 2024 dues. An arrears letter will be sent in April to those who haven’t paid, and the dues will then be $50. Those who are in arrears with their dues will need to bring them up-to-date as soon as possible. Drop-off your payment at the hall or mail to AOH; 148 Main St.; Binghamton, NY 13905 – Attn: Mark Kadlecik

LAOH Juniors & LAOH County Board Notices

are now located on the LAOH page of this website. 


The 2024 AOH membership cards will be arriving soon. We’d appreciate you paying your dues at your earliest convenience. The dues are $40.00. Drop off or mail your payment to: AOH Hall, 148 Main St., Binghamton, NY 13905. Attn: Mark Kadlecik. If you have an address change, please let us know. It’s the only way we can keep our records straight and ensure you’ll get all the mailings.


Irish American History-JEREMIAH FRANCIS O’FLYNN, IRISH PIONEER PRIEST OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY             -   Jeremiah Francis O’Flynn was born on Christmas Day in 1788 in Kerry Ireland. Evidently, he was born with double doses of wanderlust and stubbornness. The wanderlust was obvious until he settled in the wild woods of Silver Lake in 1825. The stubbornness evidenced by his constant conflicts wherever he went. He studied with the Franciscans at Killarney and with the Trappists in Dorset, England. He became a monk and in 1813 he with some others went to the West Indies with hopes of starting a mission. However, the Martinque British governor soon expelled the mission from the island. Despite the expulsion, the stubborn O’Flynn convinced the governor to allow him to stay on as pastor at Santa Cruz.     

      For various reasons, Jeremiah often argued with his Catholic superiors and for this he was charged with intrusion and incompetence. So, he sailed to Rome to answer the charges. In Rome he was found innocent and was appointed to another mission in the West Indies. After he returned to the Islands, he was persuaded to seek an appointment serving Irish convicts in the penal colony of New South Wales Australia. However, money was short. O’Flynn’s solution was to return to Ireland seeking support. He received it and then sailed for Australia.

      However, when O’Flynn arrived there the anti-Catholic British Governor General, fearing O’Flynn would incite the Catholics to resist the British government, ordered O’Flynn to return to the ship from which he just arrived. Nevertheless, the stubborn priest again persuaded the authorities to allow him to stay. He had to promise not to act as a priest. He quickly broke his promise and performed many baptisms, marriages and held secret masses in private homes. Of course, the Governor found out, had him arrested and placed him on an outbound ship. Many Catholic soldiers of the British 48th Regiment protested, as did 400 free Catholics and some leading Protestants. They petitioned the Governor but to no avail. Jeremiah was out of Australia, sent back to the West Indies, but again expelled from there.

       In 1825 while in Philadelphia, he was invited to minister to Irish Catholics in Susquehanna. Traveling to the area he found very few settlers there.  A few, English, Scottish, and American families along with five Irish Catholic families. Soon the word was out, cheap land, Irish welcome, and the Catholic community was growing. Many Irish families followed, along with many single, hardworking, former canal diggers. On October 2, 1828, (before there was a Catholic Church in Binghamton or Scranton), Father O’Flynn celebrated the first mass in his Silver Lake Church.

       Writer V. Parsons described O’Flynn as, “Simple but impulsive, Jeremiah O’Flynn managed to conflict with authority wherever he went, yet his clash with the Colonial Office helped to publicize the needs of Catholics in New South Wales”. Many say he is responsible for religious freedom in Australia.  It could also be said that his service to the immigrant Irish helped pave the way for the good life many of us in Broome and Susquehanna Counties enjoy today. Thank you, Father Flynn.     – by Bill Burke Sources: Gravestone photo -Rich Maloney, Lecture – 5.18. 24 C. Snedeker, Australian Dictionary of Biography J. O’Flynn- V. Parsons 2006, J.F. O’Flynn Founder of Silver Lake Mission ..The American Catholic Historical Researches 1889- Catherine Fitzgerald


  Membership in the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc. is confined to men 16 years and older who are practicing Roman Catholics of Irish birth or descent and who are citizens of United States of America or who have declared their intentions to become citizens of the United States of America.

Associate memberships are also available to those who do not meet the aforementioned qualification.

It is a standing rule that Applications for Membership that languish without action for longer than 6 months are discarded.

Notifications for induction dates and times, through the Shamrock Degree, are sent to all applicants.
Those who have applied prior to this 6 month period, and are serious about joining the A.O.H., need to reapply for admission and make arrangements to attend a Shamrock Degree ceremony within the next six month.

Those interested in membership must stop into the Hall to submit an application as they must have an active member sponsor them and sign the form.

Please check the Bartender Schedule page here for days and times the hall is open.